Who Is Tunnel to Towers’ Frank Siller? An Examination Of His Foundation’s Work With 9/11 Responders

rank Siller serves as the chairman and chief executive officer of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. The Tunnel to Tower Foundation was formed in honour of Stephen Siller, a firefighter with the New York Fire Department who passed away on September 11, 2001, as a result of the terrorist events that occurred on that day. The foundation qualifies as a tax-exempt charitable organisation under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3).

This year, USMC Staff Sergeant Johnny Joey Jones (Ret.), a commentator who has also been awarded the Purple Heart, will be recognised together with Siller for his remarkable service. Through its Smart Home Program, the foundation builds adaptable homes all around the country for military service members who have incurred significant injuries.

Sgt. Brendan Marrocco, who was the first person to survive after losing all four of his limbs in combat, accepted Siller’s offer to have a smart home built for him at Walter Reed without having to pay a mortgage when he was still serving in the United States Army. In 2011, shortly after the construction of Marrocco’s home was completed, the Tunnel to Towers Smart Home Program was initiated.

Siller claims that the smart homes give the country’s injured service members the ability to regain their daily freedom. He is overjoyed to receive the Genesis Legacy Medal from the National Purple Heart Honor Mission in recognition of the Foundation’s efforts to support those warriors who sacrificed so much to ensure that we can continue to enjoy the liberties that we take for granted on a day-to-day basis.

Frank Siller

Who Is Frank Siller, According to the Movie Tunnel to Towers?

The chairman and CEO of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, Frank Siller, describes how the organisation came to be in remembrance of Frank’s younger brother Stephen Siller, who was a firefighter for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) and passed away on September 11th.

On the morning of September 11, he clearly remembers getting ready to play a round of golf with his brothers. Stephen, a firefighter with the New York City Fire Department’s Squad 1 in Brooklyn, had just finished his shift and was on his way back to his house to meet his three brothers.

Frank Siller has been going to the Blessed Sacrament on Staten Island for church services ever since he was a young child. He still goes there today. On Sundays, he and his family never miss attending Mass together, and they always sit in the same row.

This offers as one illustration of the vital part that Siller, who is 68 years old, and his siblings’ practise of the Catholic faith plays in their daily lives as they carry out the work of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

They established the foundation in honour of their younger brother Stephen, who served as a firefighter for the City of New York Fire Department and gave his life in response to the 9/11 terrorist attack, the deadliest attack ever carried out on American soil, in the hope that he could save the lives of others.

In addition, through the generosity of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, mortgage-free houses are provided to the surviving families of fallen first responders and Gold Star families who lost a loved one while serving their country.

By the end of 2021, the foundation will give away 450 homes without requiring its recipients to have a mortgage.

What is Frank Siller’s annual salary, as well as his current net worth?

Siller has committed every waking moment of his life to his role as Chief Executive Officer of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. He started his nonprofit organisation with the intention of assisting the people who had lost loved ones on September 11.

According to CBS News, he walked more than 500 miles in remembrance of his brother’s sacrifice as well as the victims of the 9/11 disaster on the 20th anniversary of the tragic event. The Tunnel to Towers Foundation hosts a variety of events on an annual basis.

Frank gives a considerable amount of money to the foundation as well as other causes, despite the fact that he has a net worth of one million dollars. His organisation has already given more than $250 million in aid and recognition to military personnel, first responders, and the families of those who have served our country.

Frank’s hard work and charitable acts have been the subject of numerous articles in newspapers and magazines. In addition to that, he has appeared on a number of talk shows, where he has utilised the platform to discuss the work of the foundation. Frank Siller’s commitment to the foundation was said to be “almost apostolic” by the priest. He is a man of integrity and strength, and he will put in a lot of effort to ensure that this effort is maintained.

According to Siller, the organisation is able to operate thanks to the generosity of the general population. It is not sponsored by contributions from corporations but rather by one-dollar monthly contributions from individual contributors. He made the remark that everyone need to do something for our firefighters and police enforcement officers because they risk their lives for us. After witnessing the impact their monthly donation had, those who give $11 to the foundation are able to say, “My $11 a month caused that.”

What Became of Stephen Siller, Frank Siller’s Elder Brother?

On September 11, 2001, Frank Siller remembers sitting at the kitchen table with his brothers and other family members as they watched television. They were coming to terms with the fact that Frank’s younger brother, Stephen, wouldn’t be coming home from his job at the World Trade Center.

The brothers had planned to play golf that day, but Stephen, who was 34 at the time, had to work.

New York City firefighter who works for Squad 1 in Brooklyn, heard what was going on when he was travelling home from a night shift, and he turned around to head back toward the two towers after he heard what was happening.

Frank asserted that he had a strong belief that his brother perished as a result of the collapse of the south tower, despite the fact that his body was never found among the debris.

In memory of Stephen and all of the other people who passed away on that day and in the years that followed as a result of cancers brought on by their work at ground zero, Frank is walking the 537 miles that comprise the Never Forget Walk from the Pentagon to the World Trade Center over the course of six weeks.

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation, which was created by Frank and his family in memory of Stephen, will benefit from the completion of this project.

Frank Siller: A Few Interesting and Unknown Facts

  • Olivia Siller’s uncle is Frank Siller.
  • Frank Siller is Sally Siller’s brother-in-law.
  • The Tunnel TO Tower Foundation was founded by Frank Siller.
  • To commemorate and support his family, Frank Siller walked 537 miles across six states, from the Pentagon to Ground Zero, over the course of six weeks.
  • Never Forget Concert is produced by Frank Siller.

Frank Siller Family

Frank Siller was the seventh of seven children to be born to Mae and George Siller, and he enjoyed a happy childhood among his six adoring siblings.

The death of their father occurred when Stephen Siller was only eight years old, making him the youngest of the Siller siblings. After an additional year and a half, their mother passed away, after which the children were left to be raised on their own.

The early years of the family were difficult, but the love and affection they had with one another, along with the principles that were taught in them by their parents, allowed each member of the family to blossom into amazing individuals.

The teachings of St. Francis of Assisi were ingrained in Frank and his brothers from a young age, as their parents were devout followers of the Franciscan order. His siblings are Stephen, Janis Hannan, George Siller, Mary Scullin, Russell Siller, and Regina Vogt.

Stephen Siller

Personal Life

The youngest of Mae and George Siller’s seven children was firefighter Stephen Gerard Siller. Stephen became an orphan at the age of eight, and his older siblings had to raise him after his mother passed away a year and a half later. Stephen struggled for a while, but because of his siblings’ affection and the principles his parents upheld, he was able to grow up to be an exceptional person and devoted fireman. He was more aware than most that time was limited, and in his 34 years, he accomplished a lot.

Stephen, who had been assigned to Brooklyn’s Squad 1 on September 11, 2001, had just concluded his shift and was heading to the golf course with his brothers when he learned about his scanner from a jet hitting the World Trade Center’s North Tower. Stephen called his wife Sally as soon as he learned the news and requested her to let his brothers know he would catch up with them later. He went back to Squad 1 to retrieve his belongings.

The Brooklyn Battery Tunnel entry was already closed for security as Stephen drove his truck up to it. He ran down the tunnel on foot to the Twin Towers, where he gave his life protecting others, with 60 pounds of equipment strapped to his back.

With a great wife, five wonderful children, a loving extended family, and devoted friends, Stephen had everything to live for. Stephen was raised by lay Franciscan parents and was inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, whose admonition “while we have time, let us do good” became a way of life for him. This is Stephen’s legacy: to live life to the fullest and make the most of our time on Earth while we still have it. Stephen died a hero.

In his book “Every Momentous Event, Even a Tragedy Has Its Symbolic Figures,” author and family friend Jay Price stated: There were a few more on September 11, just like before. The four boys on United Flight 93, Father Mychal Judge, Rudy Giuliani, and a thousand more. None greater than Stephen Siller, whose stature continues to rise as New Yorkers and others from all over the world emulate him.