Who Is Carlos Sarria On TikTok? A Long Battle Of Sarcoma De Ewing Cancer

Carlos Sarria, who is better known on social media as Charlie, is from Alicante on Spain’s Costa Blanca. He is a social media influencer.

Carlos talked about how he dealt with the disease on the social networking site Tiktok.

He made a TikTok account so that he could talk about his cancer treatment. Carlos Sarria has a rare type of bone cancer called Ewing’s sarcoma. He also had a tumor removed from his head.

Carlos Sarria

Who is TikTok’s Carlos Sarria?

Carlos Sarria is an influential person on social media. He started his Tiktok account to talk about his experience with cancer. Carlos had cancer called Ewing’s sarcoma, and since he was first diagnosed, he has had four relapses.

In an interview with Yass magazine, he talked about how he had won the first race. Sadly, doctors later found that the first tumor had grown into a second one on his head that was spreading.

He made a Tiktok account to talk about how sick he was while he was in the hospital. He talked about his cancer in an open way and even made jokes about it.

Carlos Sarria said that he was told he had cancer when he was 13. He shared a part of his daily life on Instagram, where more than 690k people follow him.

Sarcoma De Ewing cancer took the life of Carlos Sarria

Carlos Sarria, who was also known as Charlie, died at age 20 after a long battle with Sarcoma De Ewing Cancer.

For the past four years, Charlie has been fighting cancer. Sarcoma de Ewing cancer affects the soft tissue around the bones or the bones themselves. It is a rare type of cancer.

Since getting his diagnosis, Carlos had had four relapses. In the end, the doctor found a growth on his head.

In his most recent TikTok videos, Charlie talked from a hospital room. On August 8, he told his followers about his health and said that they had ordered a bag of morphine, which is used to treat severe pain.

A few days earlier, he had written on social media about how terrible it was that he hadn’t gone to the bathroom in three weeks and how painful it was.

Message from Carlos Sarria on Instagram to say goodbye

He liked social media, so he wanted his friends and family to share the sad news that he had died.

A friend of Charlie’s wrote a goodbye message on his Instagram account. Charlie’s Instagram post has gotten a lot of comments, and some of his followers don’t believe it.

After he died, they posted a goodbye video on his TikTok page. It was set to the Bad Bunny song “Un Verano sin ti.” In the first line of the video, he thanks his fans for making him so happy.

Charlie’s name became popular on Twitter after many people wrote messages about how sad they were about his death.

Carlos Sarria

So, Carlos, tell me a little about yourself. How did you first get involved with technology, and what did you do to get to where you are now?

In fact, my story is unusual because I didn’t study computer science in college. Instead, I went to school for architecture. My dad was a math teacher, and when I was very young, we had a Commodore VIC-20 computer at home. Soon, I started teaching myself how to code, and in just a few months, I was better at it than my own father. I began making up games for my three older brothers. I did all of it! The art, the way it was programmed, and the music. The games were also played by my brothers. I also made programs for my dad’s math classes and did things in AutoCAD, which is a program for building plans.
I later decided to try something new by coming to the UK. I worked odd jobs for about a year in London before going to Westminster College. That was great because the government paid for it and I could use computers. That gave me the chance to make my CV fit the tech market and put together a disk with some examples of my programming. I sent it to this company first, even though it was called VideoLogic back then. Since 1997, when that happened, I’ve been here. It was a dream job for me. We were a private company with only 75 employees, including hardware engineers, software engineers, and marketing people.

We talked about 3D graphics in my interview, which have always interested me. My background was important to the company because they were looking for an engineer with some kind of artistic background to write demos to show off our technology.

What do you remember most about those early years?

One of my favorite memories is the first job I ever had at this company. I had to make a screensaver for someone. They aren’t as popular as they used to be, but in 1997, everyone had to have one or their CRT screen would burn in when they weren’t using it. I thought of using 3D graphics. In reality, the demos I made were very strange and abstract. Still, they were popular, so we put them on VideoLogic cards. I remember that the owner of the company once told me, “You know, my wife really liked your screensavers.” When your boss’s wife likes your work, that’s always a good sign.

You are now the head of “DevTech.” Why is DevTech important, and what does it do?

We do application-level support. This includes everything that a person who wants to make software for our hardware might need. This includes tools that will help you fix bugs in 3D graphics applications and find out how they work. So, if an application doesn’t work the way you thought it would, you can figure out what’s wrong. With our tools, you can deploy to more devices and do it more successfully.

We also provide example code. This is important because it shows both hardware and software developers how to do things in the best way. If you know how to use our PowerVR technology in the best way, your app will run much faster.

We also offer documentation, which is a very important service. We have documentation that talks about our hardware architecture, ways to improve performance, and different ways to program.

The last thing is direct support, which is a hotline that developers can call if they have a problem and say, “Guys, I have a bug here.” It could even mean that we go to them and try to help them solve the problem with them.

There is also the creation of ecosystems. We go to events, talk to developers, and spread the word about the brand. We need to let developers know that we can help them. It has to do with marketing, but in a very technical way.

All of the things we offer together make up the SDK, which stands for “software development kit.” This has everything a programmer needs to make apps for a certain platform. The SDK makes it easier for developers to release apps that work well on our hardware. If this happens, you can sell more hardware.


You have been with Imagination from the beginning. What went well and what went wrong? Is there something you’re especially proud of?

I would say I was proud of MGL, the API for our MBX core that I helped design and build. It was written in a way that is current. It was very low level and focused on objects, much like Vulkan is now. People talk about how low-level Vulkan is, but we did the same thing ten years ago. It gave you full access to the hardware through something called a “slave port,” which was where you sent commands to the hardware. You could actually program the hardware directly, and it was also high-level enough that you could write your own applications.

I’d also say that I’m very, very proud of my own team. They are great at building things.

A low point for me was when a big game company, which I won’t name, decided not to support the Dreamcast, even though we had helped them a lot. Even if you didn’t like their games, some games are what make or break a platform.

What is different about the way Imagination does things? What do you need to think about when putting together SDKs and the tools?

One thing that has always been important to us is that we have never followed the crowd. We have done things in a totally different way than everyone else. It made our technology look good, but it also made our lives hard at times because you can’t just talk to a game developer about regular graphics. You need to tell them how our PowerVR architecture works.

We use Tile Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR) instead of an immediate mode renderer (IMR), which is a huge difference. To get the most out of PowerVR architecture, the developer needs to think. One of the best things about the Dreamcast was that it could do that. It meant that the developers worked hard to get the most out of it, so they were able to make some really beautiful games.

This is because our technology is smart. Instead of using brute force, like IMR, where everything you send is rendered, we look at what you want to do and try not to render things that aren’t visible in the frame. So when you send polygons to the GPU, nothing gets drawn. We just change the points and put them all in a buffer. We take that buffer and look at it so that we only show things on the screen that are visible.

Take an object with a large area in the middle that is not transparent and a transparent area all around the outside. If you split the object into an opaque part and a translucent part instead of sending the whole thing as translucent, pixels that are behind the opaque part will not be processed. Now, something as simple as this might seem less important because GPUs are so fast today that you don’t need this kind of trick. However, this is not the case when you think about how high the resolution is on devices today and in the future. This does show that you have to change the way you think to get the most out of our technology.

One reason why our architecture works so well in the mobile market is that we save memory bandwidth. This is very important because bandwidth and access to memory are what use up the battery and slow down performance.

Because of this, a lot of your work involves helping developers. How do you handle that relationship, and what problems do you face?

I’d say that fragmentation is the biggest problem, especially in the Android market. If you are a developer, you have to deal with many different architectures and hundreds of different models with different performance capabilities and feature sets. How do you use that? How do you deal with so many phones? Not at all. They just can’t. They can’t test on every device, so they pick the ones that are most popular right now. When a new phone comes out and we test apps on it, sometimes some of them don’t work. What gives? The developers have never tested on this particular platform. “Well, your platform must be bad,” they say sometimes. But actually, our platform might be better—you just need to make it work for you.

Now, if you have a flagship product on the market that uses your technology, developers will come to you. But if you don’t, you have to be more proactive and reach out to them. This takes the focus off of the technology and puts it on the marketing. There are already a few phones on the market that use our PowerVR Rogue GPU. This year alone, nine devices have come out with this chip, and there will be a lot more. Still, we can’t take it easy because we need to keep our ecosystem running smoothly, so we are right now doubling the size of our developer support team.