Where are Jose Rangel and Erick Rangel-Ibarra now after the Lesly Palacio murder?

The disappearance of Lesly Palacio in Clark County, Nevada, in suspicious circumstances in the year 2020 caused her family to be filled with tremendous fear. However, it is really unfortunate that the hunt for the young woman resulted in the tragic discovery of her remains a few days later. The documentary titled “In Pursuit with John Walsh: Evil Deception,” which can be found on Investigation Discovery, recounts the events leading up to the death of the young woman and how the authorities initially suspected a father and son team was responsible. In that case, why don’t we learn more about what transpired back then, should we?

Lesly Palacio

How did Lesly Palacio end up passing away?

Born in May of 1998 in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, Lesly Palacio was raised there. It was said of her that she was a caring daughter and a sister who was always willing to provide a hand. The woman, who was 22 years old at the time of the occurrence, was in the latter stages of her education to become a nurse and was only a few months away from graduating. In addition to that, Lesly had always imagined herself working as a detective at a murder scene. It appeared as though the young woman had a bright future ahead of her, but then everything was ripped away from her.

The loved ones of Lesly have not seen her since the 28th of August, 2020, which is the day she left the house. In the end, she was seen on surveillance camera standing in front of a house in Clark County, Nevada, at about six in the morning the following day. The search for Lesly, on the other hand, came to an end close to the Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada. On September 9, 2020, her remains that had decayed to an advanced stage were discovered hiding beneath a bush. Lesly was found at the location only wearing part of her clothing, and the fact that dirt was found on her jeans suggests that she had been dragged. Because Lesly had been out in the elements for such a long time, the circumstances surrounding her passing could not be classified as suspicious.

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Who would want to kill Lesly Palacio?

After reviewing security footage from a number of different businesses, the law enforcement officials eventually located Lesly together with a man who was later determined to be Erick Rangel-Ibarra. On August 28, 2020, he was 25 years old at the time, and film taken that night showed him and his friends drinking throughout the night. As a consequence of this, the police started looking for Erick. They identified his residence, and a security footage taken from a neighbor’s house provided essential details about what had occurred. On the morning of August 29, 2020, at approximately 6:00 a.m., a pickup truck arrived at the residence, and the authorities suspected that Erick assisted a drunk Lesly in getting out of his vehicle.

Two males were seen on surveillance footage at approximately 7:26 in the morning pulling a body out of the house and depositing it inside the truck. The cops were under the impression that one was Erick and the other was Jose Rangel, Erick’s father. During the time that the pickup truck was driving away with the body inside, Jose was seen hosing down the driveway with a garden hose. Inside the residence, the officers discovered some human blood spatter, along with cleaning supplies and rubber gloves. In addition, the dirt that was found in the truck’s tyres was examined, and they used other security footage to help them determine where the truck may have been that morning. In September of 2020, thanks to this analysis, the police were able to locate Lesly’s body close to the state park.

The authorities went to arrest the father and son, but by the time they arrived, neither of them could be found anywhere. On January 19, 2021, Jose presented himself to authorities at the United States-Mexico border crossing in San Diego, California. This was a fortunate break for the law enforcement officials. He claimed to the authorities that he and Erick had run away together to Mexico, but that they were no longer together. After that, Jose was questioned in Nevada where they took him. He stated that he was in the garage on the morning of August 29, 2020, when Erick came dragging Lesly’s body on a bedsheet. He claimed that he saw Erick come into the garage at that time. At the time, Jose was under the impression that she had passed away as a result of an overdose.

After that, Jose made the decision to assist Erick in removing the deceased person’s body from their residence in order to keep it hidden from the rest of the family. He asserted that Lesly did not demonstrate any signs of trauma and claimed that she was naked. Jose made the decision to run away to Mexico with Erick after the latter began behaving oddly and discussed the possibility of ending his own life later that day. In addition, one of Lesly’s sisters recalled that Erick’s mother and sisters were moving furniture a couple of days following the abduction while wearing gloves. This information was provided by Lesly. Then, a friend of Erick’s testified that Erick had requested him to bring a can of gasoline because he had killed someone else. Erick’s friend said that Erick had told him that he had killed someone else. However, at the time, the friend had not taken him seriously at all.

When was the last time you heard from Erick Rangel-Ibarra and Jose Rangel?

Jose Rangel, who was 46 years old at the time, entered a guilty plea in June 2021 to charges of destroying evidence and being an accessory to murder. He was given credit for the time he had already spent in custody and given a sentence of two years in prison. In court, Jose expressed remorse, saying, “I feel very humiliated that this incident took place and that I as a father acted the way I did and that I did not go directly to the authorities when this happened.” Jose’s apology was accepted by the judge. My love for my children ultimately won me over. I was so close to going over the brink that I had no idea what to do. That was a betrayal to me. I should have thought this out more before acting.”

After spent a total of eight and a half months behind bars, Jose was finally let out of prison on April 28, 2022. While he was incarcerated, he had taken part in a number of programmes, which allowed him to accumulate more credit. Since then, it would appear that Jose has kept a quiet profile, and it would appear that this is what he continues to do. The state of Nevada is still his most recent known location. Concerning Erick, he is wanted for murder but continues to evade capture by the authorities. The authorities are continuing their search for Erick despite the fact that they believe he is currently in Mexico.

Erick Rangel-Ibarra and Jose Rangel

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There are arrest warrants out for the father and son of Lesly Palacio

According to the court records, the police have acquired arrest warrants for a man and his father in connection with the murder of a Las Vegas lady, age 22, whose body was discovered a week ago in Valley of Fire State Park. The victim was found dead near the park.

Family members reported seeing Lesly Palacio for the final time on August 29, when she went out to buy drinks with Erick Rangel-Ibarra, who is now 25 years old. Last Monday, her body was discovered in Moapa Valley, close to where Valley of Fire State Park is located.

After the discovery was made, the authorities stated that they were looking for Rangel-Ibarra on a warrant and that he and his father, Jose Rangel, who is 45 years old, were missing.

According to the records of the Las Vegas Justice Court, a warrant has been issued for Rangel-arrest Ibarra’s on counts of open murder as well as destroying or concealing evidence. Additionally, a warrant has been issued for the arrest of his father. Rangel is accused of destroying or hiding evidence, as well as harbouring, concealing, or assisting a felony offender, according to the warrant that was issued on Monday.

Due to the ongoing investigation, the Metropolitan Police Department declined to provide the arrest warrants in response to a request for documents made by the Review-Journal on Tuesday.

Separate press releases pertaining to the disappearances of Palacio, Rangel-Ibarra, and his father were each published by Metro on September 1 in response to reports of their disappearance. In addition, requests for reports on all three missing persons have been turned down by the department.

The two guys were reportedly last seen in a white 2004 Ford F-150 pickup truck with Nevada licence plate LVN84A, according to the police.
Rangel-Ibarra has brown eyes and black hair, and his height is approximately 5 feet and 6 inches, and his weight is approximately 173 pounds. He is claimed to have a tattoo of the state of California on his ear, a tattoo of a skull on his breast, and a tattoo of a “Dragon Ball Z picture” on his left wrist, according to the police.

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