Mass Communication Colleges in Delhi | Fees, Placement, Curriculum & more

It’s the best time to get admission to Mass Communication Colleges in Delhi as there’s a massive boom in the marketing and Journalism industry. A degree in Mass Communication is an extremely important asset to have. The reason for this is that, as a student of Mass Communications, you will learn about the history of communication and how it affects society. You will also be able to develop your writing, public speaking, journalism or advertising skills- all things needed by media professionals today. There are many different careers available for those with a degree in Mass Communication.

The field of mass communication has emerged as an intriguing area for students, and Delhi is India’s capital. Thus there are a number of Mass Communication Colleges in the region. With the growth in demand for media services, more students are considering a career in the media sector. Delhi being the centre of all media companies in India, has several excellent institutions of mass communication that provide students with an extensive understanding of the subject.

Top Mass Communication Colleges in Delhi

Look at our list of best Mass Comm colleges in Delhi to help you decide which one is the best fit for your goals.

  1. IIMM (International Institute of Mass Media)

Delhi, being the capital of India, provides many mass communication options, although IIMM (International Institute of Mass Media) is the finest. IIMM in Delhi offers every degree, from bachelor to masters and PG diploma in mass communication.

Courses Offered:

  • PG Diploma in Broadcast Journalism.
  • PG Diploma in Advertising & PR
  • Masters in Mass Communication
  • Bachelor of Mass Comm
  • Bachelor of Acting & Film Studies

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  1. Take One School of Mass Communication

Take One School of Mass Communication is a prominent educational institution for mass communication in India, founded in 2003. TOSOMC is an institute with a difference because of its dynamic learning center, comprehensive programs, including radio and television journalism, advertising, public relations, photography, filmmaking, marketing and news media.

Courses Offered:

  • A of Journalism & Mass Communication (BJMC)
  • A in Journalism & Mass Communication (MJMC)
  • G Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (PGDMC

Official Website:

  1. IAAN School of Mass Communication

The IAAN School of Mass Communication is a prominent institution in the field of mass communication in India. The Institute offers Undergraduate and Post-Graduate degrees in various areas of public communication. IAAN, Delhi is affiliated to Makhanlal Chaturvedi University.

Courses Offered at IAAN:

  • Sc in Media, Entertainment & Film Technology
  • BA Mass Communication
  • MA Mass Communication
  • Master of Journalism & Mass Communication
  • PG Diploma in Advertising and Journalism.
  • UG Diploma in Mass Communication

Official Website:

  1. NIMC (National Institute of Mass Communication)

The NIMC is another well-known name on the list of Mass Communication Colleges in Delhi. In 2003, the National Institute of Mass Communication was founded and collaborated with the Canadian Institute of Mass Communication. NIMC offers both UG and PG degrees in Mass Communication and some highly recommended short-term courses for Journalism students.

Courses Offered by NIMC:

  • Advertising & Journalism
  • Bachelor in Mass Communication
  • Diploma in Advertising and Journalism
  • Diploma in Mass Comm.
  • MA in Mass Communication, Advertising & Journalism
  • PG Diploma in Mass Comm., Advertising and Journalism.
  • Short-term courses (RJ, Video Edition, Anchoring, Photography)

Official Website:

  1. IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication)

The International Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), located in Delhi, has been the first institution to study Mass Communication since its foundation in 1965. The Jawaharlal Nehru University-affiliated organization is one of India’s oldest and most prestigious academic institutions.

The CSE Professional Diploma in Mass Communication and Journalism involves three courses: Journalism and Media Studies, News Writing and Reporting, and Digital Design. Along with Delhi, IIMC has branches in other cities throughout India, providing various additional mass communication programs.

Courses Offered at IIMC:

  • PG Diploma in Radio & TV Journalism
  • PG Diploma in Hindi/ English/ Urdu/ Journalism
  • PG Diploma in Advertising & PR,
  • Diploma Course in Development Journalism, New Media and Information Technology.

Official Website:

  1. Jamia Millia Islamia (AJ Kidwai)

The Anwar Jamal Kidwai-founded Ajk Mass Communication Research Centre is India’s preeminent media institution. Graduate and post-graduate courses in the art, technology, and craft of modern media are available through the MCRC, founded in 1982 by Anwar Jamal Kidwai. The MCRC offers the most outstanding media education and training with a highly trained and professionally and academically qualified staff.

Courses Offered at Jamia Millia:

  • PhD in Mass Communication
  • PG Diploma (Journalism, TV Journalism and Urdu Mass Media), PGD in Acting, Visual effects.
  • MA in Media Governance
  • MA in Mass Communication

Official Website:

  1. AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television)

AAFT is one of the finest colleges in Delhi for Media and Journalism. NUPU provides all courses in the media sector, whether you’re looking for a bachelor’s or master’s degree. The program is intended for students who wish to pursue advanced degrees in animation, graphic design, music production, and other fields. AFT also runs short-term courses in animation, graphic design, music production, and more relevant topics for media professionals.

Courses Offered:

  • UG Diploma in MA Journalism & Mass Communication
  • UG Diploma (Mass Comm., Journalism and Electronic Media)
  • Short-term courses (Photography, Video Editing, Production & TV Journalism, Acting, much more)
  • PG Diploma (Mass Comm., Journalism and Electronic Media)
  • BA Journalism and Mass Comm.

Official Website:

  1. India Today Media Institute (ITMI)

The India Today Group in Delhi, a trailblazer in the media sector, encourages students to pursue careers in Mass Communication. The India Today Media Institute, located near Delhi, provides Students with a variety of courses to aid them in pursuing their profession as journalists.

Courses Offered:

  • PG Diploma in Mass Communication (Audiovisual Production, Advertising & PR and Journalism)
  • PG Diploma (Broadcast Journalism, Media Marketing)

Official Website:

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