Into The Deep The Submarine Murder Case (2022) Movie Review – A Shocking and Jaw-Dropping Documentary

Robert Stevenson wrote The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, a psychological thriller, in 1886.

In the book, Stevenson talks about the duality of man, which is the idea that everyone has both good and bad sides.

So why am I talking about this? Well, Into The Deep: The Submarine Murder Case kind of plays with this idea and, over the course of its 90-minute runtime, changes and distorts what we think we know about Peter Madsen, the strange Danish celebrity. Emma Sullivan wants to make a movie about an inventor who is known for making his own submarines. His latest creation is a rocket that he made himself. What she gets instead is more than she could have ever imagined.

Into The Deep: The Submarine Murder Case

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For people who don’t know about this case, Into The Deep is about what happened before, during, and after Kim Wall, a charismatic journalist with a bright future, went missing. When she dives in the UC3 submarine with him… and never comes back. We won’t say what happens here because doing so would be unfair to this great documentary.

The way Into The Deep is put together is definitely unusual, and at first it feels like it moves at different speeds and has different tones. But if you stick with it, you’ll be completely hooked in 20 minutes.

This true-crime documentary is one of a kind because the footage is real and unedited. It shows real shots from before and after the disappearance. With film crews working around this time, we can see how worried Kim’s friends and coworkers are for her safety and how they react to the different things that happen when the submarine comes back to the surface. This makes the whole thing feel much more real.

When we talk about immersive, the old news footage from the time really helps this one a lot. This is usually a good way to spice up a documentary, but here, as the different anchors report on new findings, it feels like you’re getting breaking news. This is supported by some newspaper articles from the time, and the movie keeps switching between the past and those moments after Kim went missing. The last scene of this is really scary, and it’s a great way to end things.

Into the Deep is one of those documentaries that will blow your mind if, like me, you don’t know anything about this case. On the surface (I’ll try not to make too many submarine jokes), this seems like a pretty basic and straightforward story, but when the movie dives into the murky depths below, it shows a shocking and scary truth that’s hard to believe. This is something you have to see.

The murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall by Danish inventor Peter Madsen is the subject of the new Netflix documentary Into the Deep. It gives more information about the chain of events that led up to the horrible end.

Emma Sullivan, who is a filmmaker, is in charge of the documentary, which runs for one hour and twenty-seven minutes.

The director said that the documentary’s original goal was to follow and report on the work of Peter Madsen, a Danish inventor and businessman. The director told him about the project by writing to him, and he was soon on board. But on August 10, 2017, when Peter and journalist Kim Wall went missing in the submarine, everything changed.

The documentary doesn’t go in a straight line; it keeps going back and forth, starting with the day the person disappeared. We find out how the events happened in order and what happened at the end of the trial. With this method, the documentary will keep you interested and attached to the small details.

In addition to Peter, the documentary follows a group of his interns and friends as they go through a serious process of coming to terms with what happened. In the video from before the day Peter went missing, they talk about him as a man with a lot of energy and drive. They also praise Peter in some ways, but they are quick to point out his flaws because, to them, Peter is like a jigsaw puzzle.

They do their jobs and let the “crazy genius” work on his ideas. But the pieces of the puzzle don’t fit together until after the journalist goes missing.

It’s important to remember that the film footage helped the court case that came after the trial. Because of this, there are many moments in the documentary that hint at who Peter really is and what he did. Everything makes sense, but only after the crime has been done.

Many things will make you think about Into the Deep. Starting with a basic understanding of how people are and how they are both good and bad. For example, the documentary shows how Peter’s mean side comes out bit by bit. At first, he seems like a nice, charming person, but later, he turns out to be a cruel psychopath. Real-life events are shown in a way that will give you chills and horrifying new ideas.

This crime documentary is scary to watch because it is based on real events. Which is not made for people who are easily scared. The documentary is a great piece of investigative film that deals with serious and sensitive topics. Overall, this Netflix documentary will make you feel something.

Into The Deep The Submarine Murder Case

Netflix lets you watch Into the Deep online. Use the comment section below to tell us what you thought about the documentary.

On September 30, Into the Deep: The Submarine Murder Case comes out on Netflix. Emma Sullivan was making a documentary about the strange Danish inventor Peter Madsen and his homemade rocket when she ended up getting footage that helped convict him of killing journalist Kim Wall.

In 2016, Australian filmmaker Sullivan started making a film about Madsen’s life and work. Madsen was well-known in Denmark for building a homemade submarine with money from the public. He then tried to build his own rocket and become the first amateur astronaut in the world.

After working on her project for a year, Sullivan filmed Madsen as he got ready to take Kim Wall, a Swedish journalist, on a trip in his submarine. During that trip, Madsen killed the journalist and threw her body overboard. Some of what Madsen did to get ready was caught on camera by Sullivan.

Netflix said that Sullivan’s movie shows “a charming eccentric who turns into a killer right in front of our eyes in a way that has never been seen before.” “More touchingly, she shows us the innocent excitement of the amateur space mission and then follows the effects of the crime on Madsen’s supporters as they slowly learn the truth about the man they called a friend and mentor.”

The Danish inventor and businessman Peter Madsen killed Swedish journalist Kim Wall in a submarine. In Into the Deep, a new true crime documentary on Netflix, the case is broken down. The one-hour-and-twenty-seven-minute documentary is scary and full of suspense, revealing itself layer by layer.

Emma Sullivan is in charge of making the documentary, and it was shot in Copaneghan, Denmark.

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How Did Into the Deep End?

Like every other documentary about a real crime, Into the Deep starts with the crime itself. Peter Madsen, an entrepreneur, submarine engineer, and probably a rocket scientist, takes Journalist Kim Wall underwater in his submarine. The reporter goes with him to write about his inventions and accomplishments for a reputable magazine. But things don’t go as planned, and both Kim and Peter go missing under strange circumstances.

After some time, the businessman comes out and tells the press that the submarine went down. What happened to Kim Wall became the most important question.

The events that the film looks at happened after August 10, 2017. Peter and Kim ran away, and then everything went wrong. After seeing the documentary, we know that Peter was arrested and that Kim’s body wasn’t found for a long time. But most of the film footage is about what happened on the submarine and how it happened.

At first, Peter tells a very different story about what happened. He tells the investigation team that he gave Kim a ride in the submarine and then went back to get her. In the end, it sank, which is why he went missing. (All of which seemed strange and had no proof to back them up.) When the strange inventor finds out about the holes, he changes his report and comes up with a new way of putting things in order.

The way Peter tells the story in different ways makes it seem like he is trying to trick everyone. The documentary then starts with more proof of who he really is.

The footage of Peter before he went missing shows that he has some of the traits of a psychopath. When all the evidence comes together later, it all makes sense.

Peter finally says that Kim died in the submarine. But he makes up a story about an accident to hide the truth. But it’s too late for him to close any more holes now that the trial is coming up.

In the end, justice is done, and Peter is put in prison for life. There is proof that he did horrible things on the submarine, including the film footage itself.

The documentary is a scary look at the two sides of people and the worst kinds of crimes they can do with their minds.

From September 30, 2022, you will be able to stream the documentary on Netflix. Tell us what you think about how the true crime was portrayed in the section below.

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