Will There Be a Sequel to the Movie “I Used to Be Famous?”

Will There Be a Sequel to the Movie “I Used to Be Famous?” 

You can now see the film I Used to Be Famous on Netflix, and if you’ve seen it and thought it was entertaining, you might be curious about whether or not there will be a sequel.

But do you think there will be a sequel to I Used to Be Famous? Or is it possible that this movie will just be remembered as a one-hit wonder?


I Used To Be Famous

What is the Story Behind the Song “I Used to Be Famous”?

The two main characters of the film are Vince, a former boy band star who now scrapes a livelihood busking on the streets of London, and Stevie, an autistic youngster who possesses a natural talent for drumming. The plot revolves around their relationship.

When Vince finds out about Stevie’s abilities, he realizes that there is a possibility for him to reclaim his former fame. After forming a connection with Stevie, Vince decides to start a band with her, but their first performance is a catastrophe due to the behavior of some of the audience members, who make fun of one of Vince’s songs and are nasty to Stevie.

When Stevie’s mother gets concerned about Vince’s influence on her kid, she prevents Vince from spending time with her son. This is disheartening for both Vince and Stevie, but as the movie goes on, the two figure out a way to maintain their friendship in spite of the setback. Check out our post in which we explain the movie’s ending, as well as our review, if you want to understand more about the film.

Will There be a Sequel to the Film “I Used to Be Famous?”

Even while it has not been confirmed that there will be a follow-up film, this does not indicate that one will never be made.

Netflix might take into consideration producing a second installment of a film if the number of people watching it is high and if fans of the film want one.

If there is to be a sequel, it will also be contingent on the leading actors from the original film being available for it.

According to his IMDB biography, Ed Skrien, who plays the role of Vince in the picture, is now filming Rebel Moon, although his page indicates that he does not have any other projects in pre-production. If Netflix and the film’s director, Eddie Sternberg, are amenable to the idea, this may present him with the chance to begin working on a sequel as soon as the following year.

If there were to be a sequel, it would also depend on the young actor Leo Long, who plays Stevie in the film. This passionate folk musician is also on the autism spectrum, just like his character, and he is eager to make the music and film industries more people-friendly for disabled artists and actors. In addition, he is a fan of his character (according to his IMDB page). Therefore, it is possible that he will consent to the production of a sequel in order to advance the careers of both himself and other impaired performers, such as those who appeared in the original film.

There is unquestionably room for a second film, and there is even the possibility of a third film, but until we have official confirmation of this, all we can do is wait and see!

The Synopsis of the Plot for “I Used to Be Famous”

I Used to Be Famous tells the narrative of Vince, a former member of a boy band who has since fallen on hard times, and Stevie, an autistic young man who is a skilled drummer. The story is told from Vince’s perspective and Stevie’s.

After discovering Stevie’s abilities, Vince spends some time getting to know the young man and eventually forms a band with him. When Vince is asked to go on tour with one of his old bandmates, he has a decision to make: either he should leave Stevie behind in order to obtain a second opportunity at success, or he should support Stevie and maintain his friendship with him. The two eventually become friends.

How Did Vince and Stevie Meet?

When Vince’s boy band broke up, so were his chances of having a successful career in music, in contrast to his successful ex-bandmate Austin. Vince must now make a living by playing music on the streets, but unfortunately, his skills are neither recognized or appreciated by the people who pass him by.

When Stevie sits down next to him on the bench and begins an impromptu jam session with him, his good fortune begins to turn around. It is abundantly evident that Stevie possesses talents as a drummer, as seen by the fact that he plays the bench like a drum.

Because of Stevie, a number of people gather around them, and they begin shooting the two artists on their mobile phones. Stevie is the reason for this. Amber, Stevie’s mother, arrives and drags her son away, but Vince later sees Stevie again when he notices him entering a church hall with his mother. Amber is Stevie’s mother.

It is at this location that he is exposed to Stevie’s music therapy group for the first time, and he is also provided with a second opportunity to acknowledge the adolescent’s abilities. Vince accepts Dia’s invitation to join them and participate in the ongoing drumming practice that is taking on. Dia is a music teacher.

After some time has passed, Vince finds out that the recordings of him and Stevie performing on the bench have become extremely popular online. He uses this as leverage to obtain a performance at a local pub, but because he hasn’t asked Stevie to perform with him yet, the next step for him is to get the boy’s approval. He uses this as leverage to get a gig at a local pub.

Is There Going to be a Show Tonight?

When Vince visits Stevie and Amber at their house, he waits outside for a while before being let inside for some tea and jammie dodgers. After telling them about the performance, Stevie is excited, but Amber, who is protective of her son, is less than enthusiastic on the idea of letting Stevie perform in front of a huge crowd since she is afraid about her son’s safety.

Stevie had a panic attack as a direct result of the argument that Vince and Amber are having. Amber is impressed by the manner in which Vince is able to calm him down by imitating the drum session that was performed by the music therapy group. As a consequence of this, she offers a provisional acceptance of the gig.

After that, Stevie and Vince start practicing their future performance, and during this time, Vince learns more about Stevie, including his passion for music and his aspiration to attend a music college.

When the day of the gig finally arrives, Vince and Stevie do not take the stage until after another act has finished performing. Everything works out perfectly, and the two put on an impressive performance, but when Vince decides to sing one song more than he should have, some people in the audience start to become antsy. One of the men is particularly hostile, and he makes fun of Stevie by laughing at the pots and pans that he is using as drums.

After Vince retaliates by hitting the other patron, he and Stevie are kicked out of the bar together. When Austin, who was invited to the gig by Vince, sees his old bandmate picking himself up off the street, this awkward event becomes even more uncomfortable. Austin was invited to the gig by Vince.

After telling Austin to leave, Vince goes up to Stevie to check on him and make sure he’s all right. Unfortunately, Amber is irate, and she tells Vince to keep his distance from her son permanently.

Does Vince Avoid Stevie?

When Vince finds out he won’t be able to visit Stevie and is forced to go back home, he is devastated.

It is in this section that we are given some new information regarding Vince’s history. He shows home films of himself and his younger brother Ted, in which we get a glimpse of the garage band that the two of them used to play in when they were younger. Unfortunately, we find out through flashbacks that Ted passed away later, and that Vince was unable to visit his brother at the hospital because he was committed to playing in his band at the time.

It is abundantly evident that Vince still harbors some remorse regarding this matter, as seen by the fact that he travels to see his mother in order to request his brother’s harp. She breaks down in tears as she admits to him that she has no idea where it is.

In the meantime, Stevie makes posters for their band called “The Tin Men” and is successful in booking a gig for them.

Stevie gives Vince a call and tells him the good news, but Vince thinks that they shouldn’t proceed because of Amber’s sentiments about the situation. Stevie hangs up. However, Stevie advises Vince in a matter-of-fact manner that he should apologize to Amber for what occurred, which Vince does later when he meets the two of them outside of the church. Stevie’s statement prompted Vince to apologize to Amber.

As a result of his apology, Amber has become somewhat more accepting of his relationship with her kid, and all three of them have begun attending the music therapy group together. It is at this point that Vince is approached with the possibility of taking charge of the group because it has become apparent that he is able to connect with the pupils.

The offer is one that Vince is thinking about, but when he is approached later by Austin, he has another option to consider.

What Are Some Of The Potential Plot Points For ‘I Used to Be Famous 2’?

At the conclusion of the first film, Vince made the decision to forego his second opportunity at becoming a famous actor. It is likely that this choice was influenced by a mistake he made in the past, when he made the decision to join his band on an extended tour instead of doing the most important thing, which was spending time with his sick brother. He came to the conclusion that his friendship with Stevie was significantly more important.

Vince realized that a reunion tour with one of his old bandmates was not as essential as his connection with Stevie, as well as his ability to support the young teen’s desire of becoming a musician. Stevie is not terminally ill.

It’s possible that the sequel may continue their journey by having Stevie and Vince reform their band and take their one-of-a-kind sound on the road with them as they perform live shows. It may be a road trip movie in the manner of Rain Man, which was another movie that concentrated on the relationship between two people, one of whom had autism. If they left Stevie’s mother behind, the movie would center on the bond between Stevie and his father.

This is merely conjecture, but if you have any ideas for stories of your own, please share them with us in the comments section below.


I Used To Be Famous

When Could The Sequel To “I Used to Be Famous” Be Made Available?

If both the director and the performers are available to collaborate on a follow-up film, then the sequel can be brought out the following year. However, as we have stated previously, the ultimate decision will be made by those working at Netflix. If the film is successful for the streaming giant, there is a better chance that they will move the production of the sequel up to a higher priority.