Amina Father’s murdered her for having a Boyfriend Joseph Moreno

Amina Said’s father chose to take her life because she was involved in a romantic relationship with Joseph, who was also her boyfriend at the time. In the meantime, many people are curious about the whereabouts of Joseph Moreno at the present time.

Said was a sweet American teenager who hailed from the United States. She was the daughter of Egyptian-American Yaser Abdel Said, who had worked as a cab driver in the past. On January 1, 2008, members of the Irving, Texas Police Department discovered her dead corpse inside of an abandoned taxi car that was located on the property of the Omni Mandalay Hotel.
Specifically, her father was abusive to both her and her sister Sarah as a means of maintaining control over them by Yaser. In addition to this, it is said that he would both sexually and physically assault his victims. In addition to this, Yaser would frequently record them secretly, either on video or audio. When Amina was sixteen years old, Yaser had the intention of having her marry one of his older friends.
Amina was disciplined by Yaser since she had been seen smiling excessively at the customers while working in the convenience shop. Yaser’s daughter’s upbringing was always supposed to be in accordance with his wishes.

Amina’s Boyfriend, Joseph Moreno & Whereabouts

Many individuals are curious as to the whereabouts of Amina Said’s former boyfriend, Joseph Moreno, at the present time. Amina Said was in a romantic relationship with her lover Joseph Moreno. At the present time, there are many who believe he could be located somewhere in the state of Texas, in the United States. However, he has not divulged his location despite the fact that he rarely makes an appearance in public spaces.

In particular, Amina fell in love with Joseph after meeting him in her taekwondo training. However, she would frequently request that Joseph refrain from calling or texting her because of her mother. Amina had been writing notes to Moreno, but her father discovered the letters she had written. Yaser continued to beat her in an attempt to get her to tell who Joseph was, but she never did.

Where Exactly Is Honor Killing Yaser Abdel Said At This Moment?

Yaser Abdel was a cruel man who took the lives of his two children because he didn’t want them to have the life that they wanted. It was one of the most heinous examples of honour killings that the United States has ever seen. Yaser was charged with first-degree murder, which makes him eligible to face the death penalty because it is a capital offence. After a missing that lasted 12 years, Yaser Abdel was apprehended by the FBI on August 26, 2020.

On the other hand, his son Islam entered a guilty plea for harbouring a fugitive and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice. Both of these charges were brought against him. The judge ordered that he serve ten years of his sentence in a federal prison. In addition to this, on June 4, 2021, his companion Yassein was found guilty of conspiracy as well as harbouring a fugitive and was given a sentence of twelve years in federal prison for his crimes.

Amina Said’s Age

Amina Said was eighteen years old at the time of the incident on January 1, 2008, when her father shot her while they were riding in his taxi cab in Irving, Texas, on the property of the Omni Mandalay Hotel. The shooting took place in the parking lot of the hotel. On the other hand, the web does not currently include her her birth date.
On the other hand, her sister Sarah was only seventeen years old when she passed away the same day as their mother in the taxi they were both riding in. Nevertheless, she was able to phone 911 before she passed away.