Who Was the spouse of Anna Mani? On the 104th anniversary of her birth, the Indian physicist-meteorologist was honoured by a Google Doodle.

Anna Mani, a renowned physicist and meteorologist from India, is being honoured by Google with today’s “Doodle” in recognition of her life and work.

The homepage of Google is well-known for its vibrant and witty doodles, which commemorate a wide variety of occasions, holidays, and events. In addition to recognising prominent personalities and stunning landmarks, the homepage also features doodles.

Google has designed a Doodle in Anna Mani’s honour in order to commemorate her life and the 104th birthday that she would have had on August 23, 2022.

As a result of the large number of people who are interested in learning more about the scientist, we will investigate her personal life, work history, and the legacy that she has left behind.

Anna Mani

The 104th birth anniversary of Anna Mani is commemorated by Google with a Doodle

The Google Doodle for Tuesday pays tribute to the life of Indian scientist Anna Mani, whose 104th birthday is being celebrated today.

According to the remembrance, one of India’s most prominent female scientists, physicists, and meteorologists, Anna Mani, celebrates her 104th birthday today, which is also being honoured by the Google Doodle that is being displayed today.

“Her tireless efforts and studies over the course of her life established the groundwork for India to make use of renewable energy and enabled India to develop accurate weather forecasts.”

There have been a lot of people on the internet who have been fascinated by the doodle, and they are interested in learning more about the physicist’s outstanding career and the things she has accomplished.

Was Anna Mani Married, and Did She Have Children With Her Husband?

According to Medium, Anna Mani did not enter into a marriage during her lifetime. However, some other web sources assert as well that she had a husband and children, however as of the time this article was written, no credible proof to back the allegation has been made public.

She had a strong commitment to her work and was enthusiastic about the outdoors, where she enjoyed activities such as bird watching and hiking.

She made major contributions to meteorological instruments

Anna said that she was born in Peerumedu, Travancore, and that her father worked as a civil engineer there. She was explaining her family. She was the seventh child out of a total of eight that were reared in her household.

She was a voracious reader as a young kid and was moved to action after reading about Gandhi’s participation in the Vaikom Satyagraha.

She was a member of a wide variety of scholarly organisations, including the American Meteorological Society, the International Solar Energy Society, the Indian National Science Academy, and many others.

After Completing Her Education, Her Scientific Profession Began With C.V. Raman

Mani went on to receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Chemistry from Presidency College after finishing an Intermediate Science course at Women’s Christian College. Mani’s education culminated with the awarding of this degree.

After working as an instructor at the institution for one year, she was eligible for a scholarship that would allow her to attend the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.

After earning her degree in physics, Anna Mani enrolled at the Indian Institute of Science (IISC), which was located in Bangalore, in the year 1940. Prof. C. V. Raman, India’s sole recipient of the Nobel Prize in Science, supervised her research and helped her secure a fellowship as a result.

In 1945, Anna was granted admission to Imperial College, where she began her studies in physics before eventually becoming an expert in meteorological instrumentation. In addition, she submitted her dissertation for her PhD degree to Madras University in the year 1945.

The fact that she did not already hold a master’s degree led to her being turned down for the doctoral programme that she had worked so hard to get into. Thankfully, the fact that she did not have a paper Ph.D. did not prevent her from pursuing her interest in the scientific field.

A Look Inside the Remarkable Legacy and Net Worth of Anna Mani

Anna Mani, a meteorologist, had an exceptional career back in the nineties, and as a result, she probably made a lot.

Although the exact amount of her earnings and net worth are unknown, a number of online web media outlets have speculated that it is somewhere in the range of one hundred thousand to one million dollars.

After moving back to India in 1948, Anna essentially began her career in the same year by joining the India Meteorological Department. She was an integral component of her country’s effort to develop and manufacture its meteorological instruments, and her contribution was critical.

In 1953, she was essentially in control of 121 workers that were assigned to her section. Her direction helped contribute to the standardisation of the production of one hundred different weather devices.

In later years, Anna served as a consultant for the World Meteorological Organization in Egypt and was subsequently elected to the position of Deputy Director General of the Indian Meteorological Department.

She was presented with the INSA K. R. Ramanathan Medal in 1987 in recognition of her numerous achievements and contributions to the industry.

Her passing away at the age of 82 was due to a stroke.

The stroke the 82-year-old woman had been suffering from since 1994 is said to have been the reason for her passing in Thiruvananthapuram. Anna had been battling the cancer for over six years when she finally breathed her last breath and passed away on August 16, 2001.

In addition to this, it is said that the stroke she suffered left her unable to walk for the remainder of her life.

In addition, the World Meteorological Organization published a profile on her life and conducted an interview to commemorate the occasion of her 100th birthday.

Anna Mani


Mani had aspirations of pursuing a career in dance, but in the end, she chose to major in physics because she enjoyed studying it. She received a Bachelor of Science with Honors degree in physics and chemistry from Pachaiyappas College in Chennai (which was formerly known as Madras) in the year 1939. She was awarded a scholarship to conduct research at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore in the year 1940. In 1945, she enrolled in the graduate school of physics at Imperial College on London with the intention of specialising in meteorological devices; nevertheless, she ended up focusing on meteorological instruments instead.


After receiving his degree from Pachai college, Mani began working with Professor C V Raman, where he conducted research on the optical qualities of diamonds and rubies. She produced five different research papers and handed in her dissertation for her Ph.D., but she was not awarded a Ph.D. because she did not have a master’s degree in physics beforehand. After arriving back in India in 1948, she joined the meteorology department in Pune, where she went on to write a number of research papers on the subject of meteorological apparatus. Mani was in charge of making the necessary arrangements for the importation of meteorological equipment from the United Kingdom. By 1953, she had risen through the ranks to become the leader of a division that consisted of 121 men.

Mani had the goal of India becoming self-sufficient in the field of meteorological instruments. She brought the drawings of around one hundred different meteorological instruments up to a uniform level. During the years 1957 and 1958, she was responsible for establishing a network of stations to measure the amount of solar radiation. She established a tiny workshop in Bangalore, India, where she built equipment to detect wind speed and solar energy, and she also worked on inventing an apparatus to test ozone. The International Ozone Association has accepted Mani as a member in their organisation. At the Thumba rocket launch station, she established a meteorological observatory as well as an instrumentation tower.

She was a member of a wide variety of scientific associations, such as the Indian National Science Academy, the American Meteorological Society, the International Solar Energy Society, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), and the International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. In 1987, Mani was awarded the INSA K. R. Ramanathan Medal for his outstanding contributions to the organisation.

In 1969, Mani received a promotion to the position of Deputy Director General and moved to Delhi. She worked as a consultant for the WMO in Egypt in the year 1975. 1976 was the year when she took her retirement from her position as deputy director general of the Indian Meteorological Department.

The year 1994 was the year that Mani experienced a stroke. It was in the city of Thiruvananthapuram that she passed away on August 16, 2001, a week before she would have been 83.


1992. Wind Energy Resource Survey in India
1981. Solar Radiation over India
1980. The Handbook for Solar Radiation data for India